What is CoreTherm®?
CoreTherm® is a method of treating benign prostatic enlargement (BPE). The results of the method have been scientifically proven in a number of studies and have been developed over more than 25 years. The treatment has the same good symptom relief as a surgical treatment (TURP), a so-called planing in everyday speech. In addition, the CoreTherm® method has the advantage that it entails a lower risk of serious complications compared to the surgical treatment.
CoreTherm® is performed under local anesthesia and you avoid anesthesia and an overnight stay in hospital.
Over 30 000
treated with CoreTherm®
clinics in Sweden
15 minutes
treatment time
Briefly about coretherm®:
- Provides long-term relief of your urination problems
- No general or spinal anaesthesia required
- Fewer serious complications than surgery (TURP)
- The treatment is performed in less than 15 minutes
- Can treat prostate sizes up to 366ml
- Up to 88% of catheter users (or CIC) can eliminate their need for a catheter (after CoreTherm® treatment)
- The alternative for anyone who is not a candidate for surgery due to other diseases
- Appealing alternative for anyone taking blood thinners (Waran® or equivalent)
- Lower risk of dry ejaculation compared to surgery

How does the treatment work?
During the CoreTherm® treatment process, the prostate tissue is heated so that parts of it are killed off. The body then breaks down the dead tissue so that the urethra passage works normally again.
- The treatment is carried out in an outpatient visit lasting just under an hour, with the procedure itself taking less than 15 minutes. You will be able to return home immediately after the treatment is complete.
- Local anaesthesia is administered to the prostate through a special catheter and provides good pain relief.
- No general anaesthesia or spinal anaesthesia is needed.
- After CoreTherm® treatment, temporary catheter relief is usually needed for 3–6 weeks during the swelling phase and healing process. The goal of treatment is to kill off and remove the prostate tissue that presses on the urethra, thereby eliminating BPE problems.
- You no longer need to constantly be on the lookout for a toilet during the day, and you will be able to sleep well all night.
Where can I be treated with CoreTherm®?
According to the Swedish Health and Medical Services Act, everyone has the right to choose CoreTherm® treatment, even if the home hospital cannot offer this treatment. You have the right to request treatment from another care provider if it cannot be offered nearby. Your home county council pays for the treatment via a national election referral.
In case of urination problems, you should consult your family doctor for an initial assessment. In the event of more pronounced complaints, a referral is issued to a urologist. In some places in the country you can turn directly to a urologist. It is important to get the right diagnosis. Once you have been diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia, the urologist will explain the various treatment options available. CoreTherm® can be an option that suits you best.
CoreTherm® treatments are currently performed in hospitals and clinics in Sweden and the Nordic countries .

NU-Sjukvården, Uddevalla
Alingsås lasarett, Alingsås
Skaraborgs Sjukhus, Skövde
Centralsjukhuset i Karlstad, Karlstad
C-Medical, Oslo
Capio Läkargruppen, Örebro
Regionshospitalet Viborg, Midthylland
Mälarsjukhuset, Eskilstuna
Gentofte Hospital, Hellerup, Gentofte
GHP Gastro Center Skåne, Lund
Skånes Universitetssjukhus, Malmö
Länssjukhuset i Kalmar, Kalmar
Specialistläkargruppen i Kalmar, Kalmar
Friklinikken, Grindsted, Billund, Syddanmark
Næstved Sygehus, Næstved, Sjælland
Capio Urologi Solna, Solna
Urogyn Solna, Solna
Sergelkliniken, Stockholm
Svendborg Sygehus, Svendborg, Syddanmark
Sundsvalls Sjukhus, Sundsvall
Östersunds Sjukhus, Östersund
Norrlands Universitetssjukhus, Umeå
Mikkeli Central Hospital Finland, Mikkeli
Kalix sjukhus, Kalix
Carlshamns Specialistklinik AB, Karlshamn
– NU-Sjukvården, Uddevalla
– Alingsås lasarett, Alingsås
– Skaraborgs Sjukhus, Skövde
– Centralsjukhuset i Karlstad, Karlstad
– Capio Läkargruppen, Örebro
– Mälarsjukhuset, Eskilstuna
– GHP Gastro Center Skåne, Lund
– Carlshamns Specialistklinik AB, Karlshamn
– Specialistläkargruppen i Kalmar, Kalmar
– Capio Urologi Solna, Solna
– Sergelkliniken, Stockholm
– Urogyn Solna, Solna
– Sundsvalls Sjukhus , Sundsvall
– Östersunds sjukhus, Östersund
– Norrlands Universitetssjukhus, Umeå
– Kalix sjukhus, Kalix
– Regionshospitalet Viborg, Midtjylland
– Gentofte Hospital, Hellerup, Gentofte,
– Hovedstaden
– Friklinikken, Grindsted, Billund, Syddanmark
– Næstved Sygehus, Næstved, Sjælland
– Svendborg Sygehus, Svendborg, Syddanmark
– C-Medical, Oslo
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